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Your Home is Your Power Vortex 💛

Consciously craft a sanctuary for yourself & your family. Make sure that your home is filled with things that YOU love. Make sure your home is filled with sights that make you smile. Remember that you have the authority in your home, nothing can enter your home without your consent , so refuse to allow cantankerous people, cruel people, hurtful people or negative people onto your sacred space. Repurpose or discard all items that do not bring make you absolutely giddy with joy. Do not decorate according to current trends, decorate for YOU! Smile in your home, laugh in your home, dance in your home . Intentionally fill your home with the energy of love, acceptance, safety & peace

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5 comentários

Ondrea Sanders-Walker
Ondrea Sanders-Walker
28 de jun. de 2022

I agree whole heartedly! I turned one of my guest rooms into a sacred space for myself. Whenever I enter, it reminds me of just who the hell I am. WIth all that I have going on, its easy to forget sometimes. I built an altar to myself, with pictures where I felt the most beautiful, and all sorts of things that just remind me of happy memories. Thank you for confirming that I was headed in the right direction


The Tempered Witch
27 de jun. de 2022

I totally agree. That's all the more reason to either leave this place or uproot myself and my babies to something else.


27 de jun. de 2022

I started with my bedroom. I spent coin on my comforter in the color I desired. It's nice and heavy. I'm finding lil things to fill it with and plants, tons of plants. Got some cute curtains too. My bedroom is my sanctuary. I'm working on the rest of my home.


Omi Ire
Omi Ire
27 de jun. de 2022

Yesss every room has to be a space that brings peace! & I am very selective of visitors! 💙☀️


27 de jun. de 2022

Yes I love this and I’ve made my home an Oasis. I love the water for its calming effects on me... So I painted my living room sky blue and I decorated with crystals , sound bowls , candles and figurines of the woman form. I realized how it feels so good to just sit in my living room and I have no tv in there. I’ve never watched much tv for its just programming... only watch documentary’s on people I’m interested in. An occasional show may grab my attention. So I gradually took this approach for each room of my house . I love home it’s my peace . Create your own environment.


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